Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tzatziki cucumber recipe for a hot day

1 cucumber,coarsely grated
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
8 ounces yogurt
salt to taste
- Combine ingredients, chill and serve. Delicious with falafel, on a hamburger or for dipping good bread…Refreshing and cooling on a hot day. I used to get this at a Turkish stand at a farmers market in Germany. Love that garlic!

Where did July go?

Whew – how did it get to be August already? We’ve been busy on the farm, weeding harvesting, and still transplanting some later crops. We have a high school student visiting us from Germany for a month, which is a lot of help, and a reminder to have some fun every now and then!
So, what have we been up to? We did get to go camping last week for our annual traditional archery rendezvous in Galeton, Potter County. We enjoyed a beautiful weekend camping and shooting our long-bows.
Right now we’re getting ready for Local Foods week – our farm will be on the Farm Tour August 9th – last year we had more than 100 visitors. Boy were we tired of talking by the end of the day!
Garden is doing well. Squash and zucchini are winding down, second planting of beans had a very short picking window, and garlic is mostly harvested. Tomato and pepper crops are looking very good, so are the sweet potatoes. Cucumbers are producing well, and we’ll have lemon cucumbers coming on in a week or so. Melons and pumpkins are growing nicely on their long vines. We’ve been digging the tastiest carrots, and just beginning to dig new potatoes. Fall seedings of beans, beets, lettuce, spinach, radishes are in the ground and just waiting for some rain.
Our heritage turkeys have produced about 20 offspring so far this season. These will not be ready in time for this Thanksgiving, but will give us a good breeding stock expansion, with possible breeder stock to sell. Our thanksgiving turkeys are staying cool under the pine trees behind the house, and are healthy and growing quickly. Our second batch of broiler peeps is coming the middle of August, and will be ready in fall, reaching maturity in the cooler weather.